Our History
We Helped Build Denver

John Fuller in 1955
John Fuller and his small team take a risk and launch a new kind of real estate firm. When the doors open at Fuller and Company, it becomes the only company in Colorado with a focus on commercial, industry and investment properties in Denver, CO. The company’s first offices are located in the historic Railway Exchange Building at 17th and Champa.

Logo used from 1955 to 1972
Fuller introduces our familiar black and white logo design. Simple and iconic, it will change over the next 60+ years, but always keep it’s recognizable charm.
— 1960 —
The sixties are a time of rapid growth for Denver and for Fuller. Over time, the company grows and needs new space. John Sr. is approached by Jim Baxter of Western Federal Savings. They are looking for tenants for their new building on 17th and California. Fuller & Company moves to the building and takes over the management.
As president of the Denver Board of Realtors, John Fuller helps bring to life the first MLS (Multiple Listing Service) and CLS (Commercial Listing Service) in Denver. Prior to this, most agents relied on ‘pocket listings.’ Fuller and his team realize that sellers deserve to have their properties exposed to the entire market. Thus, the creation of the MLS and CLS.
Fuller works with George Wallace to assemble land deals that launch the Denver Tech Center and Centennial Airport (originally Arapahoe Airport). Fuller also joins with other firms to put together the land for what will become Denver International Airport.
Jim Nelson of Central Bank and Trust offers Fuller and Company space in the brand new building at Park Central, saying “if you’ll move in, we’ll give you the leasing and the management, and you’ll be on the board of directors.” Fuller moves into the penthouse at Park Central, which becomes the company’s new headquarters.

John Fuller is a founding member of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce and serves as its chairman. Governor Love asks the members of the Chamber to act as ‘Colorado Ambassadors.’ In that capacity, John Fuller travels around the U.S. to cities including Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York to meet with heads of industry and share the incredible potential of Denver.
— 1973 - 1980 —

Ken Egan (who is still a broker at Fuller) makes the front page of the Denver Post when he arranges an assemblage deal for vacant land at 120th and Huron. That space will eventually become the Western Electric Plant and a major economic boon to Denver’s rapid growth.

Population grows by 30%
from 3.3 million to 4.3 million.
Population grows by 19%
from 468,000 to 555,000.
As we celebrate our 40th anniversary, metro Denver approaches 2 million people and we’re busier than ever keeping up with demand.
John Fuller is inducted into the Colorado Business Hall of Fame in recognition of his services to the business community as well as his many philanthropic pursuits.


The company changes its name to Fuller Real Estate and moves to the Denver Tech Center. Our new home is at the heart of a development the firm helped bring to life.
— What the Future Holds —
Denver’s still growing and we’re still making history. At nearly 3 million people, Metro Denver is among the busiest and fastest growing commercial real estate markets in the nation.
No one knows what the future holds but we are always moving boldly forward, maintaining our vision and our focus on helping Denver and our clients grow.